Choose a membership based on your company's profile.

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We value good service,
but that's not all.

Our team is driven by four core values.

When you entrust your business to us, you can be sure that we care as much as you do.
When it comes to your business, you deserve complete transparency.
When we create the tools of tomorrow, we have to be bold, like a good wine.
When the limits of technology are discovered, we must innovate.

Our Membership Options

Choose the right membership plan for you

(Save up to 5% with yearly billing)

Ideal for a collection of less than 500 products in an unstructured location.

Full access to the Alfred Private Collectors app to manage your collection on all your devices;

Unlimited access to our specialized database of over 1 million references;

Market values (MV) of all your products;

Optimal tasting ranges (OTR) powered by artificial intelligence;

Continuously updated inventory and total value of your collection;

A detailed statistical portrait of your collection - breakdown by country, product type, grape variety, color, vintage, etc;

A weekly newsletter of new arrivals on the marketplace (;

(Save up to 5% with yearly billing)

Ideal for a collection of 500 to 2000 products at a single address.

All the advantages of the Aficionados membership plan;

Includes initial cellar structure of all storage locations (any subsequent modifications are subject to additional charges);

Exclusive personalized offers and primeurs (24 hours earlier);

Includes the ability to offer products for sale on the marketplace;

Includes one (1) annual inventory report (uncertified) for insurance purposes (upon request).

upon request

Ideal for a collection of over 2 000 products at an unlimited number of different addresses.

All the advantages of the Connoisseurs membership plan;

Priority in the availability of Alfred's expert services;

Access to a remote & personalized Alfred butler service;

Periodic strategic monitoring of your collection to avoid product losses;

One (1) certified annual inventory report at fair market value for insurance purposes (upon request).

Ask for a demo!

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